Thursday, May 30, 2013

Pages 55-71

1.  In this weekly response I found many things very relevant and interesting, for instance, that any person can become a storyteller they just need to believe in what they are talking about.  He specifically says that "good writing is timeless".  Which I totally agree with. Whenever you read a good piece of writing, it is hard to forget about. I also found it interesting that he said pictures are powerful and are what commonly provokes people.  As a photographer, I am little biased towards pictures in the whole photos vs. writing debate, because I think that a simple photo can speak a million words. And Dotson seemed to agree, that photos are also just as powerful as good writing.

2. Breast cancer fundraiser gains relevance in Austin; Sunday Feb. 3, 2013 10pm

-When Barb starts crying, this is a cry of grief and you can tell that it breaks her heart to talk about this
-The pink flag waving, with the flag rattling and being pink 
- A woman talks about when Barb first came to town and she said "How can I help?", you can tell impacts the woman because you know from the way she says it that she cannot believe this is happening to Barb..someone she is close with now
- Cars driving up and down the street. 

- Over the Shoulder Shot, this shot shows a woman get her toes done at a salon and talking about Barb when she first came to town.
- Cutaway, this shot is of the hockey team wearing pink jerseys with pink ice and shows how Austin takes cancer awareness very seriously.
-CU, Of a button that says "Wear pink in honor of" and then written in underneath is Barbs name. I think that this is interesting because it shows that Barb has made a large impact on the town. 
-Wide shots, of Barb looking at pictures of her husband who recently passed away from cancer,  and listening to her talk about how she really hopes that this is the last of the cancer in her family.

5. Town Paints the Streets Pink

6. The story utilizes Dotson's "building blocks" in ways that draw in the attention of those listening to the story. One of the blocks that I  recognized was silence. In this story silence was particularly a good thing to have to show the significance of how people in the town of Austin have been affected by this news. Silence really helped create that dramatic effect and feel the pain that the rest of the town was feelings. I think that the natural sounds are very important in this story and help to bring together the whole story and show how the community will always be there for Barb. These are just two particular building blocks that stood out to me specifically, I do believe the story holds all the blocks though; words, pictures,silence, natural sounds, soundbites, and graphics. 

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