Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mudhouse Video Breakdown

B-Roll (CU)
*Coffee pot brewing coffee*
(Sound of the blender to represent the Mudhouse employees making coffee)
Reporter Stand-Up
*Reporter is standing inside the Mudhouse*
*Shows customers in line for their cold drinks*
“For coffee shops like the Mudhouse there is one way to beat the heat, and that’s to offer refreshing, cold drinks.”
B-Roll (CU)
*Whip cream being put on a cold drink*
To show what the cold drinks look like
Sound Bite (interview)
*Worker talking*
“Ya know, during the summer months we ice most of our drinks. A lot of our customers still need there caffeine fix so if they get a latte they’ll get an iced latte instead.”
*ice in the background*
*ladies drinking cold drinks*

Sound Bite (interview)
*Guy at a table talking*
“Pretty typically I like a nice, hot cup of coffee, but in the summer I like come in and get a cool drink”
*cool drink being made in the background*
Sound Bite (interview)
*Lady shown by coffee pots*
“They said coffee can actually cool you down, rather than drinking cold sodas and stuff.”
*coffee being made*
*chalk board with drinks*
B-Roll (angled shot)
*Girl makes frozen drink for a customer*

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