Interview Questions
Brett Hestness
1. What is an event in your life that changed you?
Coming to high school. Lots of things
are different. Meeting new people
2. What is a normal day like for you?
Wake up, go to school, sport
practice, go home, hang out with people maybe, do home work, eat, go to bed
3.What is something unique about you?
Three sport athlete (football,
wrestling and lacrosse)
4. What’s your favorite childhood memory?
4. What’s your favorite childhood memory?
Old neighborhood playing capture the
flag every Friday night
5. How would you describe yourself?
Outgoing, friendly, disorganized
6. How do you think others around you view you?
Outgoing, friendly, disorganized
7. What makes you the most happy?
Being with friends and not having to
worry about homework or school.
8. What is something most people wouldn’t know about you?
I play drums (4th grade),
guitar (couple years), and some piano (2grade).
9. What has been your favorite memory from high school so far?
Football games
10. Where do you hope to be 10 years from now?
Hopefully having a job and being
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